
io9’s ideas for Terminator 5

Following news that Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided not to appear in the next Terminator movie io9 offers some ways of continuing the franchise without him.

I’m not convinced that there should even be another movie following the misstep that was Terminator Salvation, but if it is to be then the producers could do worse than consider some of the suggestions from io9.

I was very disappointed that the television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was cancelled as I felt that it had expanded upon the ideas of the first two movies in a brilliant way. However I think it very unlikely that we’d get a movie to resolve the plot of the series.


LA Noire

Today is the UK release date for the much anticipated game LA Noire and following the review in The Guardian earlier this week it is one that is very much on my to buy list.

However I won’t be buying it yet not because of the reported problems of consoles overheating when playing the game but because it would distract me a hell of a lot from the studying I should be doing.

In the meantime I will have to experience it vicariously through players comments on Reddit’s The first few hours of LA Noire


The Hidden Message in Pixar’s Films

Kyle Munkittrick explores what he sees as a core theme of virtually all of Pixar’s movies that non-humans should be accorded personhood.


Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says – Galactic Empire Times

Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says – Galactic Empire Times


Bats and Mistuh Jay sittin in tree

I love this picture by Dan Hipp.


Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles"

Great 10 minute TED talk about how the personalization algorithms of sites such as Facebook and Google are creating a situation whereby users only see things that they might be interested in.

That in creating such personalization for commercial reasons because it goes hand in hand with creating targetted advertisements there is the unintended consequence that important events get filtered out as irrelevant.


Doctor Who – The Curse of the Black Spot

Apparently Henry Avery was a real life pirate who had captured a great treasure from an Indian Mughal and then disappeared never to be seen again.

It estimated that the treasure stolen from the Ganj-i-Sawai was worth £600 000 (roughly equivalent to $400 million in today’s terms).


24 Hours Marston – Webcomic

This is so brilliant.

24 Hours Marston


Sorry it took so long…



President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden

On the 8th anniversary of George W. Bush’s infamous Mission Accomplished speech and also the anniversary of the announcement of Hitler’s death comes the news that US forces have killed Osama Bin Laden during a firefight in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

This should be a cathartic moment for many Americans but I don’t think that it will fundamentally change things in the world. This does not mean that our forces can withdraw from Afghanistan as the mission there has moved on significantly and Bin Laden has for a long time been an irrelevance in that arena.