Reviews TV

Lost 5.03 – Jughead

Desmond and Penny have a son named Charlie! Presumably named after Charlie Pace and not after his maternal Grandfather.

Again confirmation that Richard is old and unaging. One of the ‘soldiers’, Jones, is indeed Charles Widmore. Mrs Hawking is almost certainly Daniel’s mother and is on the island in 1954 named Ellie.

Locke talks to Richard and this conversation is the reason why he was visited by Richard at his birth and then later as a small child. This calls into question the whole deal with him being the rightful leader of the Others as the reasoning seems very circular now. He became leader in the present because Richard put the idea in his head that he could replace Ben but it seems that this was only the case because Locke had told Richard back in 1954 that he was their leader.

Also Locke totally pwns Widmore by tracking him back to the camp of the Others.

Their leader is some sodding old man!
What, you think he can track me?
You think he knows this island better than I do?

Daniel loves Charlotte!

The Others speak Latin! How long have the Others in one form or another been on the island? Or, is it just a sign that their leaders have had a classical education.

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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