Reviews TV

Lost 5.02 – The Lie

They should have listened to Hurley, they should not have lied. Hurley so goes back on his promise not to help Sayid after Sayid fails to support Hurley on the boat. But of course.

Ana Lucia! Ghost or creation of the island? “Do not get arrested!” “Libby says hi.”

I ♥ MY SHIH TZU t-shirt is his only option.

Never coming back from the island.

“Sayid ain’t explaining nothing”

Store Locke’s body in the butcher’s meat locker. Who is Jill? What is Ben’s plan other than to return the Oceanic Six to the island?

Frogurt is literally a redshirt.

Can Miles talk to dead animals too?

Why only baby pictures of Ji Yeon? She must be nearly three years old by now, should be a wider range of photos. I’m not convinced that Jin is dead. He’s a survivor and was some distance from the explosion. I’m sure he’ll just have been blown into the ocean.

“A good man doesn’t kill three men!” Is Sayid a good man, are any of them?

Hurley’s emotional explanation of basically the entire plot of seasons 1-4 was crazy/brlliant and his mom’s reaction was perfect and a beautiful moment.

“Never clear on the button” Ha ha

Hurley might be the one truly good person of all the main characters of the series. Sayid is a ninja. Barely conscious and he still manages to viciously attack Jack.

Hot pocket throw by Hurley, hilarious.

Is the young soldier Widmore? Locke to the rescue. Mrs Hawking does calculations of what? 70 hours to return or “God help us all.”

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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