Reviews TV

Lost: Through the Looking Glass

Wow the finales to my favourite TV series are just getting better as the week goes on. Heroes was great but I felt a little let down by the rather lame confrontation of Sylar. Veronica Mars was really bloody fantastic but was tempered by knowing that we’d not be getting another season.

Lost takes the prize though. This was an unbelievable double length episode to finish the third season of the show.

I don’t know how but I had an inkling that the flashback was really a flashforward right from the very start with Jack on the plane. Either that or the presence of the beard is an indicator that we are in the Star Trek mirror universe which I guess would fit as the finale was titled “Through the Looking Glass”. Which leads us to Charlie and the events in the Looking Glass station.

The bits in the Looking Glass were excellent. Charlie get beaten by Bonnie and then freaking out both of the women when he explains what he’s doing there and how he’s gonna die and then when that unkillable bastard that is Mikhail turns up he sows dissent between them. I had a feeling that he wasn’t really dead when Desmond shot him with the speargun after Mikhail’s shooting of Bonnie and Greta. Then Charlie died a strangely noble death killed by the bastard Mikhail who I hope has survived the explosion to make it back to the mainland just so Sayid or Sawyer can torture him to death.

What were Bonnie and Greta really doing there? As it was pointed out the station pretty much ran itself without their input!

How and why was Penelope transmitting to the island? Who was she trying to reach? Has her Brazilian team from the second season finale pinpointed the location of the Island?

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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