Reviews TV

Lost: The Man Behind the Curtain

Just WOW! Best episode ever! The last few episodes of the season better be this good.

We’re gonna be having some kinda of showdown between The Others and The Flight 815 survivors for sure when they come for Sun.

I hope we get the explanation for who or what Jacob is too. Also how the fuck does Richard not appear to have aged in 30 years?

I think Jacob in the very brief glimpse that we saw of him looked like Locke but with hair and a bit of a beard. Although given my theorising about what’s going on that is probably wrong and it’s not Locke at all.

I think that Ben became the leader of the Others because Richard recognised he had a special affinity with the island when he learnt that Ben was able to see his dead mother there and by that also have the ability to communicate with Jacob (who or what ever he might be).

I think Ben was able to summon his mother there in the same way that I believe Locke summoned his own father.

Ben fears that the Others may choose to replace him with Locke who seems to have a greater affinity with the island than Ben currently does. Richard undermined Ben’s plan to remove Locke from the group by giving Locke the means to kill his father through Sawyer.

Perhaps Richard is the real man behind the curtain.

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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