
Acid Factory

Current favourite waste of time whilst at work is the Miniclip game Acid Factory. Like all great games nowadays it contains zombies. Sweet! Should keep me sated with zombie killing until I can afford an Xbox 360, Dead Rising and a HDTV to go with it.

Miniclip Games - Acid Factory
Acid Factory

Help harry escape the horrors of his acid-flooded factory.

Play this free game now!!

Einstein’s belief in God.

A quote of Albert Einstein’s in reference to his religiousness, by way of Richard Dawkins in The Independent.

It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.

Personally I’m on the fence between outright Atheism and Agnosticism.


Pixelotto – click to win -million dollar homepage 2.0

Alex Tew of Million Dollar Homepage fame is at it again with yet another million dollar idea and now one lucky visitor to his site will get to share the wealth this time.

Pixelotto offers visitors to the site the chance to win $1,000,000 – just by clicking ads on yet another 1000px by 1000px webpage.

I reckon the clever little bugger has struck gold again with this idea by giving visitors an incentive to click the ads now the outgoing traffic should be greatly increased in comparison with the Million Dollar Homepage.

The only downside I can see for advertisers is again getting lost in the chaos, I’m sure those that invest a great deal of money and purchase large chunks of virtual real estate will see that investment pay off as users are in my opinion more likely to click to win on the larger more obvious ads. seem to share my view as they have beaten the rush and dropped a packet on ten thousand pixels in the centre near the top of the page.

Reviews TV

Poor Burke

I’ve rewatching season five of the tv show 24 in preparation for the imminent start of season six and I’m starting to feel some pity for the character of Rick Burke.

Who is Rick Burke you wonder?

He is the CTU interrogator/torturer played by Martin Papazian. Why should I feel pity for a torturer though? Well as if his occupation wasn’t bad enough it seems that half the people he is asked to ‘interrogate’ by his superiors in CTU are entirely innocent and have no information at all for him to extract from them.

Not only that but when he does actually have a genuine suspect to interrogate, Christopher Henderson, Burke is knocked out by Tony Almeida before he can finish the job.

I had initially thought that Burke was in season four also but he is in fact the second iteration of a character whose sole purpose is to take over the role of torturer from Jack Bauer so that Bauer’s heroics are not so diminished by carrying out such acts as they have been in previous seasons.

The season four CTU chief interrogator was an Agent Richards as portrayed by Butch Klein who has the thankless task of torturing Richard Heller and Sarah Gavin, who of course were innocent of conspiring with the terrorists.