
Best dog in the whole fucking world

P3190372, originally uploaded by electricinca.

I got a phone call from my stepdad this morning to tell me that Caleb died yesterday evening. I’m heartbroken and speechless right now.

I fucking loved him and he was the best fucking dog I ever knew.

Terrorism Uncategorized

Fifteen years of Terror?

The United Kingdom’s newly minted Under-Secretary for Security, Counter-terrorism and Police Sir Alan West has said that we face a battle that could take up to 15 years to deal with radicalisation in the fight against terrorism.

In his first interview since his surprise appointment by Gordon Brown as security minister, Sir Alan called on people to be “a little bit un-British” and even inform on each other in an attempt to trap those plotting to take innocent lives.

“Britishness does not normally involve snitching or talking about someone,” he said. “I’m afraid, in this situation, anyone who’s got any information should say something because the people we are talking about are trying to destroy our entire way of life.”

He said he was determined to build on the Government’s core anti-terrorism strategy of the “four Ps” – prepare, protect, pursue, prevent – but that the “prevent” side, dealing with the radicalisation of young Muslims, was the most important.

I’m not sure his idea about snitching is such a good one though. It would indeed be helpful if people that actually had important information concerning a terrorist threat would come forward, but a society of snitches is going to create an overwhelming number of false positives. The police don’t have the manpower to deal with every nosy neighbour that suspects the darkly skinned man from down the road who because he keeps himself to himself is up to no good.

The admiral, who has been given a far-reaching brief across all government departments, also launched an attack on the phrase “war on terror” – which has been abandoned by ministers since Mr Blair left office.

He said: “I hate that expression. When I first heard it – I think it came over from the States – I though it was totally the wrong thing. It’s not like a war in that sense at all. It demeans the value of a war and it demeans the value of a lot of things.

“I don’t like the fact that we talk about ‘the Muslim community’ and this sort of thing. I have a lot of Muslim friends and they see themselves as British. We’ve got to be very careful. The threat is to our British way of life and all of our British people.”

Of the terrorists, he said: “I think they have severely damaged one of the world’s great religions – the one they purport to support.” The claims that British foreign policy was solely to blame was an erroneous argument, he said.

I do agree with his opinions on the expressions ‘War on Terror’ and ‘the Muslim community’. The use of the former in my opinion actually aids the enemy by giving the impression that the West sees this as a clash of civilisations with the Islamic world and supports the al Qaeda propaganda that the West is trying to destroy Islam.

The latter isn’t really helpful either as their isn’t really any such thing as ‘the Muslim community’. There are many Muslim communities within the UK but they don’t necessarily share a common viewpoint and any Muslim leader does not speak for all British Muslims.



Terrorism Uncategorized

Why Terrorism Doesn’t Work

Why Terrorism Doesn’t Work [via]

Interesting essay that posits the theory that terrorists that predominately attack civilian targets fail to achieve any of their aims because the general public the media and the governments misconstrue their aims as being solely to kill civilians when in fact they seek some political aim that is overlooked.

Means to an end not an end in and of itself.


We can forget it for you wholesale

It’s the crazy central device of the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind made real. The Telegraph reports that scientists have found a drug that is able to help banish bad memories.

Researchers have found they can use drugs to wipe away single, specific memories while leaving other memories intact. By injecting an amnesia drug at the right time, when a subject was recalling a particular thought, neuro-scientists discovered they could disrupt the way the memory is stored and even make it disappear.

Ironically I think I’ve blogged about this before but I can’t really remember if I have or not. It seems to me to be a kind of drug assisted Neuro-Linguistic Programming and if effective could help many people deal with traumatic events they may have suffered.

Politics Security Terrorism Uncategorized

UK Terrorism Minister

Admiral Sir Alan West has been appointed to the newly created Home Office post of Under-Secretary for Security, Counter-terrorism and Police of the United Kingdom.

The former First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff will need to be made a Life Peer in order for him to serve as a Minister in Gordon Brown’s government.

I’m bothered that we now have a former senior military officer in a post as a Government Minister without him ever having to be elected by the voters. He will however have a great deal more experience in matters of security to call on than his colleagues at the Home Office.