Movies Reviews

Review: You Don’t Mess with the Zohan

You Don’t Mess with the Zohan

Movies Reviews

Review: Man on Wire

Man on Wire

Comics Movies Reviews

Review: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

Reviews TV

Review: Generation Kill – episode 1

Do we really need yet another drama about the Iraq War? Even if it is from David Simon and Ed Burns the creators of arguably the greatest show on TV. Having now watched the first episode of the HBO miniseries Generation Kill I’m still not sure I can answer the question.

It is a dramatization based on the book of the same name which was a real life account of the journalist Evan Wright who was embedded with the First Recon Battalion of the USMC and so it is as close to the truth as it can be without being a documentary. Yet as you might expect it has gained harsh criticism from many sides with people decrying it as being anti-American and others attacking it for the homophobic comments made by marines in the show.

Based on this first episode I think Generation Kill is going to be a fantastically well made miniseries and will offer a different perspective on the Iraq War to the one we’ve been having for the last five years as it will depict only the 40 days that constituted the actual invasion.

A positive review from Marine Corps Times

A critical review from Democracy Project

Movies Reviews

Review: Shotgun Stories

Shotgun Stories

Movies Reviews

Review: Manufactured Landscapes

Manufactured Landscapes

Movies Reviews

Review: The Happening

The Happening

Ridiculous awful movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Mark Wahlberg. I would get into how awful a movie this is, but someone has already written a far better review than I ever could which pretty much sums up my own feelings and thoughts.

Movies Reviews

Review: Horton Hears a Who

Horton Hears a Who

Movies Reviews

Review: The Lake House

The Lake House

Movies Reviews

Review: Heartbeat Detector

Heartbeat Detector

Overlong but interesting French film that draws parallels between the fascism of Nazi Germany and modern corporations particularly in the language used to describe human beings. Music is offered as a counterbalance to the dehumanizing nature of corporate culture.