
King William’s College Christmas Quiz

Or as it is more officially known The King William’s College General Knowledge Paper 2007-8.

It’s that time of year again when the obscenely difficult General Knowledge Paper is given to the students of King William’s College on the Isle of Man.

As I write this I imagine Manx families having enjoyed their Christmas dinners are now sitting around a table (or more likely Google on a PC) discussing possible answers to the questions.

I’m unsure whether or not I should post the answers here that I know or not as I may unfairly skew the competition amongst the students. But as Metafilter already has done so and they are far more likely to be near the top of the Google hits I shall do so.

1.9 During the year 1907: whose return for 1st June was 31.1 – 14 – 48 – 17? Don’t know but this is clearly a cricket question.

2.9 Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

2.10 Greyfriars. Billy Bunter.

3.1 William Henry Ireland. Forger of a play that was supposedly written by William Shakespeare.

3.3 Don’t know but the question I’m sure is about Stanley Baldwin and Ramsay MacDonald and the October 1924 General Election. Edit: The Zinoviev Letter

3.4 The Hitler Diaries created by Konrad Kujau.

I’d surmise that section 3 concerns forgers.

4.1 Rorke’s Drift. Zulu is one of my all time favourite films so I couldn’t fail to answer this one.

4.3 Chaka. Zulu King.

5.2 Jim Laker in 1956. The test match England v Australia at Old Trafford.

6.2 Vyacheslav Molotov

6.3 Anton Chekhov

6.8 Dmitri Mendeleev

6.9 Yuri Gagarin (I’m guessing it’s him given the Russian theme and the name Glenn suggest John Glenn the Astronaut)

6.10 Ivan Pavlov

8.2 Captain Hook, from J M Barrie’s Peter Pan.

11.1 Hole in the heart.

11.3 Kind Hearts and Coronets. With Alec Guinness playing the parts of all eight D’Ascoynes in the film.

11.5 Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

11.9 Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland.

13.1 Sergeant Pepper

14.1 Dean Martin

17.1 Paddington. Bear and railway.

17.5 The location of Cleopatra’s Needle (that being the name of an Obelisk in London) I’m guessing.

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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