
Big Damn Heroes

The Firefly convention known as Flanvention was cancelled at the last minute by the organisers leaving fans some of whom having travelled hundreds of miles very upset and disappointed.

But the fans being such a tight and passionate group and the stars of Firefly being so damn brilliant a kind of ad hoc Flanvention was created in its place.

Firefly Flanvention Flattened; Fans Find Finkery at Fault

A Flan by any other name…

I’m not offended, and don’t call me mate – OMG!!!

Death_is_My_Gift’s photos and commentary on the ad hoc flanvention.

Browncoat Backup Bash Reports

Daytone Beach News-Journal Online: Why we love the Firefly/Serenity crew

Whedonesque fans vacariously enjoying the ad hoc Flanvention.

The skinny on a phat night…my night with “the browncoats”…

A man named Jayne – music video Brilliant and hilarious.

By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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