
Yet more noodly proof.

BBC News: Oldest noodles unearthed in China

The remains of the world’s oldest noodles have been unearthed in China.

The 50cm-long, yellow strands were found in a pot that had probably been buried during a catastrophic flood.

Radiocarbon dating of the material taken from the Lajia archaeological site on the Yellow River indicates the food was about 4,000 years old.

Controversially if these are remnants of the Flying Spaghetti Monster during his creation of the Earth then the date of creation would be some 2000 years later than that accepted by many creationists as calculated by James Ussher (January 4, 1581–March 21, 1656), Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland between 1625–1656 and a prolific religious scholar who most famously published a chronology which dated creation from 4004 BC.

It seems clear to me that in our modern times with greater archaeologically knowledge and technology for dating of items that evidence would suggest the Earth is much younger than even the Creationists believe.

As our date is later than theirs I believe that makes us the winners so Spaghetti-Monsterism triumphs.


By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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