
A British Jihadist

A British Jihadist

A very long interesting interview in Prospect magazine which reveals how young British men of Pakistani heritage might turn to radical Islam and become suicide bombers.

They are essentially rootless and unsure of their place in the world and thus become easy prey to those who offer ‘answers’ and a ‘role’ for them to fill.

One thing that has not been mentioned is that in many ways they very typical of young British working class men irrespective of race. Many young men have no role to play in society at all anymore. With the move towards a Service Economy the typical working class male jobs are disappearing. Young women no longer require men to support them financially and so for many men there is no real role for them as husbands or fathers.

Also I think there is a lot of anger and frustration amongst men of my generation which is resulting in drunken mindless violence. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that there has been a rise in violence in Britain in the last couple of decades.

These feelings which I believe are pretty general across the country for many men are being channeled in the particular case of British Pakistanis by Islamist extremists into acts of terrorism.


By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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