
If you want to get elected,

Get yourself represented.

BBC News: Blair sets 5 May as election date

The general election will be held on 5 May, Tony Blair has formally announced.

Speaking after asking the Queen to dissolve Parliament next week, Mr Blair said Labour had a “driving mission” for a third term in office.

The Conservative and Liberal Democrat leaders pre-empted the announcement by starting nationwide tours of key seats.

Michael Howard accused Mr Blair’s government of “losing the plot” while Charles Kennedy said he would focus on people’s hopes, not their fears.

I’m really torn this election as I am a Labour supporter from way back but can no longer support them given the way this government has acted on crucial issues in the last few years.

At least I can consider my vote a tactical one in order to oust the Conservative incumbant as Labour are the third party in the area and have very little chance of winning the seat.

If we had a sensible system like Proportional Representation I would be more torn I think.

BBC Election minisite


By Matt Wharton

Matt Wharton is a dad, vlogger and IT Infrastructure Consultant. He was also in a former life a cinema manager.

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