These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
Unfortunately unlike Obi-Wan we don’t have the ability to influence the minds of people demanding to see our identification. There is however a chance for UK citizens to prevent the introduction of ID cards in the first place though. In a last gasp effort before the Queen’s Speech on 23rd November the NO2ID group have organised a petition to allow UK residents to voice their opposition to the proposed scheme.
NO2ID are a non-aligned diverse group of people and organisations who stand against the Government’s attempts to introduce intrusive, expensive and ineffective control of personal identity.
The British government seems dead set on pushing through this legislation so the petition is unlikely to dissuade them. However by voicing our concerns it is still possible to prevent it’s implementation. The Home Office in October of this year published A Summary of Findings from the Consultation on Legislation on Identity Cards (file size 749kb) which broadly outlines their thinking on this issue.
In June 2004 I published my analysis of the British national identity card scheme titled Identity and ID cards, in which I argued that privacy concerns aside the proposal will be ineffective in it’s aims.
Thanks to BoingBoing.