
Spoof me not

I got an intriguing email from eBay today asking me to verify my details because a fraudulent bid had been made with my accout. Interestingly it was sent to the email address that I don’t use for my eBay account. To see a copy of it click here.

It is of course a spoof email designed to steal my details and defraud me. First time I had ever received one though and it is probably because I have just started to sell a number of items that I don’t want anymore. Too much stuff and not enough space syndrome. It is quite a cathartic process to declutter my life. I’ve dumped a load of old magazines and comics for recycling that weren’t worth selling as well.



Autumn Leaf

Autumn Leaf
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Mother Nature begins to roll out the colours of Autumn.

I haven’t posted any pictures from Flickr in a while, but this one really stood out as I was browsing through the recently uploaded pics.



Pong addiction

This new spin on pong sees me as addicted as I was to the original, Virtua Pong.

Actually having written that it might not truly be the case. I think the first computer game I really became addicted to was a knock the bricks from the wall by bouncing a ball off a movabble platform type game.



Pig semen shocks TV ‘Farm’ viewers

Farmyard furore as Five lets Rebecca Loos on porker

I can’t quite decide whether this is the zenith or nadir of reality television.

Five is heading for a new storm over dumbed down reality TV shows after screening its most controversial broadcast yet in which David Beckham’s alleged lover was shown masturbating a pig.

Rebecca Loos, Beckham’s former personal assistant, who gained notoriety earlier this year when she alleged she had conducted an affair with the England captain, carried out the procedure on Five’s reality show, The Farm.

The collection of semen from livestock is an everyday event in modern farming as the first step in artificial insemination that is done for selective breeding.

The public reaction and outrage surrounding this incident is hilarious with some even complaining that it is nothing more than bestiality. I think the most bizarre thing is the presence of Rebecca Loos on the show. Did I miss the point when she became not just the women that had fucked a famous married man but a celebrity in her own right? But then again with the surfeit of celebrity reality TV shows at the moment they must be having to scrape the bottom of the celebrity barrel to get people for the show.



The Tories are Busted

Busted Back The Tories

Young heart throbs Busted are backing the Conservatives – if only to hang on to their millions.

The trio, who found fame with Year 3000, Crashed The Wedding and Thunderbirds Are Go, attacked Labour’s tax hikes.

It was cretinous upper-midddle class twats like this that influenced enough people to keep Thatcher in power for so long.

In other news there is a new album by William Shatner that’s just been released and it’s been produced by Ben Folds.

William Shatner – Has Been

His rendition of Pulp’s Common People is to say the least interesting.



More misfortune for the Baudelaires

Count Olaf of A Series of Unfortunate Events now has a blog apparently.

Lemony Snicket is just a name the studio cooked up to help sell my movie to citrus lovers! He doesn’t even exist!

I would recommend that if you happen to be fans of A Series of Unfortunate Events that you do not bother visiting these websites. If I were you, I would immediately turn your computer off rather than view any of the dreadful images, read any of the wretched information, play any of the unnerving games or examine the unpleasant books presented within them.



Come up and surveil me sometime

Link from BoingBoing to a couple of essays by the brilliant Bruce Schneier.

City Cops’ Plate Scanner is a License to Snoop

Academics locked out by tight visa controls

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