56 HomeYamamoto and the Secret Admirers
Neal Stephenson


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Rosey Dow, Andrew Snaden

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A team written novel where the writing styles have blended seamlessly to produce a first rate fast-paced thriller.

The story revolves around Laura McIvor and Jonathan Corrigan, she's the daughter of a man imprisoned for selling missile systems to foreign powers and he's the CIA agent who caught him.

When it is discovered that the software her father sold harbours a virus that renders it useless, Laura becomes the most wanted woman in the world. Everyone is after Laura as they think she has the code to fix the missile systems and every world power wants to be the one is charge.

It becomes the task of Jonathan Corrigan to both safeguard Laura and try to learn what she knows and discover what her father's motivations were.

A novel full of suspense that will keep readers riveted to the very end.

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