Reviews TV

Human Nature/The Family of Blood

That was really rather bloody good wasn’t it.

Perhaps I’m just still on the high from having just watched it but I’m currently thinking that this was the stand-out story of not just season three but of the new series entirely.

Very moving and awfully dark.

I thought what the Doctor did to the Family of Blood at the end was almost too dark for Doctor Who.

Reviews TV

Lost: Through the Looking Glass

Wow the finales to my favourite TV series are just getting better as the week goes on. Heroes was great but I felt a little let down by the rather lame confrontation of Sylar. Veronica Mars was really bloody fantastic but was tempered by knowing that we’d not be getting another season.

Lost takes the prize though. This was an unbelievable double length episode to finish the third season of the show.

I don’t know how but I had an inkling that the flashback was really a flashforward right from the very start with Jack on the plane. Either that or the presence of the beard is an indicator that we are in the Star Trek mirror universe which I guess would fit as the finale was titled “Through the Looking Glass”. Which leads us to Charlie and the events in the Looking Glass station.

The bits in the Looking Glass were excellent. Charlie get beaten by Bonnie and then freaking out both of the women when he explains what he’s doing there and how he’s gonna die and then when that unkillable bastard that is Mikhail turns up he sows dissent between them. I had a feeling that he wasn’t really dead when Desmond shot him with the speargun after Mikhail’s shooting of Bonnie and Greta. Then Charlie died a strangely noble death killed by the bastard Mikhail who I hope has survived the explosion to make it back to the mainland just so Sayid or Sawyer can torture him to death.

What were Bonnie and Greta really doing there? As it was pointed out the station pretty much ran itself without their input!

How and why was Penelope transmitting to the island? Who was she trying to reach? Has her Brazilian team from the second season finale pinpointed the location of the Island?

Reviews TV

Review: Veronica Mars – Season 3 finale


They just had to go and pull it out of the bag with the finale of the show and remind me why I love it so much when they get it right that I’m now seriously pissed off that we won’t get a fourth season.

Reviews TV

Heroes: How to Stop an Exploding Man

The finale was a good solid episode with a few really bloody fantastic moments.

The whole ‘How do you stop an exploding man?’ thing resolved exactly how I thought it would with Nathan to the rescue, like my friend Trace I saw this happening half a season ago.

Loved it when Ando said Hiro looked badass and Hiro’s response to that.

Molly Walker’s mention of a man that scares her even more than Sylar.

Nikki smacking the shit out of Sylar and then Peter presumably absorbed her super-strength was cool and if the blood trail to the manhole is any indication we may yet get the full on Peter vs Sylar showdown we were missing here.

Hiro in 17th century Japan. Hells yeah!

Cannot possibly wait until the second season. If only I could time travel to the future like Hiro.

Reviews TV

Lost: The Man Behind the Curtain

Just WOW! Best episode ever! The last few episodes of the season better be this good.

We’re gonna be having some kinda of showdown between The Others and The Flight 815 survivors for sure when they come for Sun.

I hope we get the explanation for who or what Jacob is too. Also how the fuck does Richard not appear to have aged in 30 years?

I think Jacob in the very brief glimpse that we saw of him looked like Locke but with hair and a bit of a beard. Although given my theorising about what’s going on that is probably wrong and it’s not Locke at all.

I think that Ben became the leader of the Others because Richard recognised he had a special affinity with the island when he learnt that Ben was able to see his dead mother there and by that also have the ability to communicate with Jacob (who or what ever he might be).

I think Ben was able to summon his mother there in the same way that I believe Locke summoned his own father.

Ben fears that the Others may choose to replace him with Locke who seems to have a greater affinity with the island than Ben currently does. Richard undermined Ben’s plan to remove Locke from the group by giving Locke the means to kill his father through Sawyer.

Perhaps Richard is the real man behind the curtain.

Reviews Security Terrorism TV

24: CTU security

Is it just me or does CTU LA seem to be the least secure Counter Terrorist facility on the planet. I’ve lost track now of how many times it has been successfully infiltrated or attacked it seems to have at least once a season if not more.

Hour 21 of Season 6 and it has happened again and been taken over by Chinese agents. Poor foolish Milo. This would never have happened had Bill Buchanan been left in charge!

Reviews TV

The Trap

Just watched the third and final episode of Adam Curtis’s new documentary series The Trap on BBC 2.

Not all attempts to make the world a better place lead to tyranny.

I will come back to this later with a fuller review when I’ve watched all three episodes again, but I think Curtis has done yet again a fantastic job of solidify thoughts about modern society and politics that have been washing around in my head.

Politics Reviews TV

Adam Curtis’ The Trap

Adam Curtis director of the brilliant The Power of Nightmares has a new three part documentary series titled The Trap.

The series consists of three one-hour programmes which explore the concept and definition of freedom, specifically, “how a simplistic model of human beings as self-seeking, almost robotic, creatures led to today’s idea of freedom.”

Blairwatch has a synopsis of the series Parts one and two.

The Guardian’s review.

Metafilter has an interesting discussion about the series and another about The Power of Nightmares.

Reviews TV

Heroes will return

This is usually the part when people start screaming.

Whiny little emo Peter Petrelli from the first few episodes would probably start screaming at this point but the new powerful Peter not so much I think.

Reviews TV

Heroes: Parasite


I can’t wait that long.

I just knew Ando would be back. Perfect piece of sidekicking, get the hero’s back without even telling him he’s doing it.

The scene of Claire meeting Mama Petrelli was awesome. Is she part of the group that includes Linderman and Hiro’s dad? Or was her husband? She seems to be acting against their interests in any case and has brought the Haitian over to her side.

I’m betting that Simone’s dad was part of this group also and that we’ll get to see Richard Roundtree again in some flashbacks, I thought it odd that he would appear so briefly in the two episodes he was in.

Again April 23rd!!! I have to wait until then to see the fight between Sylar and Peter. I really do hope it lives up to my expectations.