Reviews TV

Getting Wired

Perhaps it’s just me but The Wire seems to be rising to the surface amongst people’s collective unconscious recently. I’ve just finished rewatching all four seasons of the show and many of my friends who also watch it have been rewatching episodes recently too.

Two of the best scenes of ‘the best show on television’.

The Wire – Omar gives evidence against Bird Hilton

The All-“Fuck” Murder Investigation Scene from The Wire

Metafilter loves The Wire, and so does The Guardian newspaper.

Television Without Pity has started to do recaps

Snoop Pearson talks to The Washington Post about the ‘Role of Her Life’

Slate breaks down The Wire and analyzes it.


Best show on US television?

Consensus is starting to build that The Wire is the best show on television. I don’t disagree with that, as great as shows like The Sopranos, Deadwood and Six Feet Under are I think The Wire has them beat.

Novelist Stephen King thinks so too.

The Wire keeps getting better, and to my mind it has made the final jump from great TV to classic TV — put it right up there with The Prisoner and the first three seasons of The Sopranos. It’s the sort of dramatic cycle people will still be writing and thinking about 25 years from now, and given the current state of the world and the nation, that’s a good thing. “There,” our grandchildren will say. “It wasn’t all Simon Cowell.”

Season four of the show received a score of 98/100 on Metacritic, the highest score for a TV show on the site. [via]

The creator of The Wire David Simon answers the questions of AOL users on the series.